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Gum pain relief options are available that you can even do at home with wayne massage. Home remedies can help soothe your pain in the gums. However, if you experience more than gum pain, you have to consult with your dentist or visit a medical center immediately.
What is gum pain?
Some pains in the gum are only temporary. However, there are still cases that require dental treatment to avoid further oral health complications. Gum pain can be annoying at times. Additionally, several factors can cause the occurrence of gum pain, such as the following:
- sores
- cut or injuries
- gum disease
- hormonal changes
- improper brushing or flossing
- sinusitis
- tooth abscess
In this article, we will discuss more information about gum sores in particular. Sore gums are the most common reasons why people experience pain in their gums.
Sore gums
When you have sore gums, it will be painful for you to do your brushing and flossing. Aside from that, your gums may even bleed while you are doing these oral activities. However, the pain associated with sore gums is usually not severe and typically happens to many people.
The majority tend to ignore sore gums since it is not that painful. Little did they know that it can be an early sign of gum disease. Fortunately, if a person addresses sore gums earlier, the treatment options will not be difficult to apply.
On the positive side, you can apply gum pain relief options at home.
Treating gum pain
Glebe Dental located near Ultimo, NSW suggests the following tips to relieve toothache and gum inflammation.
- Saltwater rinse: Salt has natural property in fighting bacteria. Rinsing using this mixture allows you to reduce the pain coming from your sore gums.
- Compress: You can do it either cold or hot depending on which you prefer. Any of these two can provide relief and reduce the pain in your gums.
- Herbs and spices: Some herbs and spices have anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve gum pain. Some of them are cloves, turmeric, and Spilanthes. On the positive side, you can apply these as often as you need to counter pain.
- Homemade dental sprays: There are essential oils that you can use to counter pain in your gums. However, you have to take extra caution with the amount of essential oil you will dilute. Be sure not to swallow the solution.
- Teabags: You only have to check if the teabag is cool enough to touch and apply directly to the area of gum pain. Popular teas that contain anti-inflammatory herbs are ginger and chamomile.
- Oral gels: These medicated gels are already available in the market. They usually contain natural and synthetic compounds that provide numbness and treatment for gum pain.
- Over-the-counter pain relievers: People typically use this option to counter pain. However, it would be best to take the right amount and dosage only.
When to see a dentist
In general, there are cases wherein you have to bring yourself to the dentist. The following conditions, along with your gum pain, should make you see your dentist right away.
- You need to see a dentist if your gums are already bleeding uncontrollably.
- Additionally, your gums become reddish and swollen.
- Furthermore, you already notice a pullback in your gums from your teeth.
- A dental visit is also necessary if your dentures can no longer fit inside your mouth.
- Moreover, if chewing is painful, visiting your dentist is a must.
- Besides that, your teeth start to loosen from the gums.
- Lastly, excessive teeth sensitivity to hot or cold will need a dentist’s attention as well.
If your gum pain already progresses to any of the situations we mentioned above, see your dentist. It would be best to address your gum pain immediately before it can worsen even more. Severe oral issues may require profound treatment procedures.
Preventing gum pain
Above anything else, prevention will always be the best option for you. Generally speaking, you can prevent gum pain in the first place by following good oral hygiene every day.
Brush your teeth regularly. Aside from that, use a soft-bristled toothbrush together with fluoride toothpaste. Do this at least twice a day, for two minutes. Furthermore, brush your teeth gently to prevent your gums and teeth from getting hurt while brushing.
- Aside from brushing, it is also better to do flossing at least once daily. It will help you remove the tiny particles in between your teeth and gums.
- Additionally, you can also consider using mouthwash. However, it would be best if you were cautious in choosing the mouthwash brand. Some mouthwashes have contents that are pretty intensive for your mouth, teeth, and gums.
- Most of all, maintain a regular checkup with your dentist. Visit them at least every six months. Do not go to your dentist just because you already have an issue with your mouth. Regularly visiting them will help you prevent future oral problems. Moreover, they can apply immediate treatment if they detect an unusual condition in your oral health.
As shown above, we can say that sore gums are treatable. There are also options to relieve them and prevent them from progressing severely. But most of all, you can prevent oral problems right from the start.
The best thing you can do is to practice good oral habits. By doing so, you can keep yourself away from gaining any dental health concerns, now and onwards.