When a child is born with an opening or hole at the roof of the mouth, it is called Cleft Palate. It will make it difficult for a child to eat or speak as the food or liquid will go through the hole to nasal passage instead of going through the throat into the stomach.
Prolonged numbness after dental work
Most of the dental work procedures require one to be numbed before the procedure. These include; tooth filling, root canal, and even tooth extraction. Click this link and visit the site to know other dental procedures. The procedure can be very painful without numbing the region around the tooth. That is why the dentist must inject the patient with a certain anesthetic.
Sinus and Tooth Pain
Although the natural reaction to a toothache is to assume that there is a problem with the tooth, sometimes the tooth is not the culprit. A very common side effect of sinusitis is a toothache. This article provides a general description of sinus infections and their effects on our teeth. You can also visit and read about tooth pain due to blocked sinus at aurhinoplasty.sydney.com.au/blog.
Physical therapy spinal manipulation
Spinal manipulation, which is also referred to as manual therapy, spinal manipulative therapy or joint therapy is a technique that treats neck pain, back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions by combining exercises that involve movement of joints, massage and physical therapy. The purpose of physical therapy spinal manipulation is to reduce inflammation,ease pressure in joints, […]