February 17, 2025
Teeth Restoration Options To Improve Your Oral Health

Teeth Restoration Options To Improve Your Oral Health

Are you missing a tooth? Or perhaps you have other noticeable dental problems, such as cracks and chips in your teeth or a yellowish contour in your smile. With teeth restoration, it is possible to fix any dental damages, whether from cosmetic or structural problems.

Luckily, there are many restorative dentistry techniques that you can rely on to get back to your appealing and bright smile. You can save yourself from embarrassment by having these restorative dental treatments.


Restorative Dentistry

A popular subclass of cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry is an arsenal for teeth restoration. It holds a wide range of techniques and procedures that can help correct any oral health damages. From tooth decay to dental fractures, minor cracks and chips, unsightly stains, as well as other dental concerns, there is nothing else that restorative dentistry would not be able to fix.


How Teeth Restoration Happens

Before proceeding with the actual dental restoration procedures, your oral care specialist must first examine your dental health status. If necessary, you may need to have dental x-rays and other imaging scans for further assessment. Several elements such as tooth decay and gum disease will be a deciding factor in choosing the appropriate dental treatment.


  • Indirect Tooth Restoration

treatments for teeth restoration

There are indirect tooth restoration procedures available for extensive tooth, gum, or bone damage. An indirect restoration is necessary for candidates with a severe case of dental decay or gum disease. In this situation, there isn’t enough tooth structure that will allow support because the source of concern is already present in its roots. For this case, your dentist will carefully list the methods and plans necessary to correct the situation.

Often, indirect restorative dentistry involves crown restoration, which comes from manufacturing laboratories.


  • Direct Tooth Restoration

When tooth damage comes in a smaller and more confined location, a direct restoration is possible. This tooth restoration often requires only one visit to the dentist. During this treatment, your dentist can fix minor damages in tooth structures with composite resins. Direct restorative dentistry can also help with other localized problems such as cavities and plaque build-up.


Teeth Restoration Options


Dental Fillings

A person who is facing challenges from dental cavities is highly susceptible to tooth decay. If left untreated, the decay can spread across the oral cavity and cause structural damages. When this happens, it will require more complex procedures and problems. Besides maintaining good oral hygiene and steering away from acidic and high-sugar foods, you can fight dental cavities with dental fillings. Dental fillings are necessary to prevent exposure from bacteria, protecting your teeth from decay. The most popular materials for dental fillings are those that are from ceramic and porcelain fillings. These are more durable and longer-lasting than composite resin.


Dental Crowns

A dental crown is an example of indirect tooth restoration. This procedure is responsible for completely covering an unstable tooth that dental fillings cannot fix. People often choose dental crowns to restore the healthy color and function of the teeth. Some crowns are made up of metal and porcelain, while others are ceramic.


Dental Bridges

Dental bridges help in the restoration of your missing tooth. Aside from that, a dental bridge can also support your dental implants and regain the proper chewing function. It serves as a connection between two or more dental crowns to replace any damages to your teeth.


Dental Implants

If you are worried about your missing teeth, dental implants are here to save your day. These are artificial teeth that replace your missing teeth, bringing back your healthy and beautiful smile. Modern dental implants require bone grafting to allow invasive jawbone placement for a longer-lasting smile. A dental implant is one of the most popular tooth replacement options due to its capability to restore tooth function.

There are many types of dental implants. However, a porcelain dental implant is your best choice if you want your artificial teeth to match your natural tooth color. Check Glenferrie Dental clinic in Melbourne today to get your dental implants today!


Teeth Whitening

Bleaching or teeth whitening is essential to improve the appearance of your smile. Several factors such as food, oral hygiene, and bad habits can cause your teeth to have stains and unsightly discoloration. There are many teeth whitening options depending on the level of discoloration.

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