October 16, 2024
Dental Implant Crowns: The Finishing Touches After Implants

Dental Implant Crowns: The Finishing Touches After Implants

Dental implant crowns serve as the final touches after a Melbourne dentist from Glenferrie Dental install the dental implants. These devices look exactly like natural teeth. The dentist places these devices on the abutment at the end of the dental implants. Dental crowns have various materials to choose from, such as ceramics, porcelain, gold, silver and metal alloys. You can learn more here about crowns and bridges if you are interested. You can visit Available Dental Care’s clinic located in Campbelltown, NSW if you’re looking for a trusted dentist that can help you with your tooth replacement.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants serve as the replacement of tooth roots for a missing tooth. In this procedure, oral implants need dental crowns or artificial teeth to look like a real tooth. No one will know you had a missing tooth right there.

In general, there are many reasons why implants may work for you.

  • Best for one or more missing teeth.
  • You have reached your jawbone’s full growth.
  • You have adequate bone to secure implants.
  • Your oral tissues are healthy for an implant.
  • You don’t have existing oral health issues that will hinder bone healing.
  • Not fond of wearing dentures.
  • Best for speech improvement.
  • You are committed to the long term process this procedure will incur.
  • Not a smoker.


What is the role of implant crowns?

Crowns have two main types, the cement-retained implant crowns and screw-retained crowns. Below is the differentiation of the two types.

  1. Cement-retained implant crowns: This is usually on top of the abutment. The dentist will use dental cement to keep this prosthetic permanent in its attachment to the abutment. These kinds of crowns offer increased visual aesthetics. Additionally, they are straightforward attachments for your missing teeth.
      • Advantages: (a) Eliminates unesthetic screw access holes. (b) Have excellent resistance to porcelain fracture. (c) It offers prefabricated stock or custom abutments.
      • Disadvantages: (a) The presence of excess cement can cause soft tissue damage, bone loss or chronic inflammation. (b) Higher risk of developing peri-implantitis. (c) Difficult to remove.
  2. Screw-retained implant crowns: This kind of crown includes a lingual and occlusal screw. This crown has a hole on the occlusal’s side or lingual portion of the device. This spot will help in making the connection between the crown and the implant.
    • Advantages: (a) The dentist can remove it easily for restoration and repairs. Excellent retrievability. (b) It promotes healthier soft tissues.  (c) Consists of a one-piece structure.
    • Disadvantages: (a) The area that surrounds the access hole is prone to chips. (b) It can become loosen within some time. As a result, you will need a dentist’s support to tighten it back.

Making a choice is entirely in your hands. The basis of your selection can be the implant’s location, your body reactions, or your personal preference only. To make it easier for you to choose, you have to discuss it with your dentist. They are your best buddies about your dental implants and dental crowns.


Practising good oral hygiene with implants

Caring for your natural teeth applies in managing your implants in like manner. You have to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Ensure to brush your teeth properly. It would help if you also brushed along the gums and the biting surface of the teeth. You can even use interdental brushes or a traditional floss to clean in between your teeth at least once a day.

The best preventive measure you can do is not to miss a single dental appointment with your dentist. They would also check your implants aside from your natural teeth. Relatively, they might take X-rays to check your bone level. Furthermore, they would also confirm if the gum tissue near the abutment is healthy and free from inflammation.

These check items are not possible for us to confirm by ourselves. The dentists are the best person to do the job. Besides that, they know even the smallest detail of our teeth. So, checking its condition will be easier for them.

Additionally, they can address potential oral issues immediately to prevent progression. This way, you can avoid getting into severe oral health problems that may out your overall health at risk.


Bottom line

Every case is different. You can only confirm which dental treatment option is perfect for you and your oral condition through your dentist. Go ahead and book your appointment now and learn more about these dental procedures such as dental implant crowns.

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