October 16, 2024
Missing teeth: Are dental implants painful?

Missing teeth: Are dental implants painful?

Are dental implants painful? The pain that accompanies this procedure is one of the most common reasons why many are hesitant to have this surgery done. This article will talk about the pain to be expected for dental implant procedures, and how to handle it. We asked the dentists at the Bay Dental Studio in NSW for their insight on this topic, you can read more here.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are an innovation to dentistry that are meant to replace missing teeth. A titanium post is surgically placed into the jawbone, to act as the tooth root, this post will protrude out of the gum, and a dental crown is placed on top of it. A dental implant stays in place, in contrast to dentures that can be taken out. Implants are more beneficial to overall health when compared to other methods to replace teeth because they can provide the necessary pressure to the jawbone, and they do not need to be anchored to the adjacent teeth, like dental bridges.


Are dental implants painful?

The pain that is felt when a dental implant is put in is relative to each person who receives the implant. Everyone can expect some pain, especially during the recovery period of a dental implant. However, this pain is not supposed to be constant. The intensity of the pain should start as mild as the anesthetic wears off.

However, you should worry if the pain does not subside after around five to seven days after the surgery. If the pain gets worse, swelling is present and the pain does not go away even after the use of the over-the-counter pain-relieving medicines that your dentist will prescribe after the procedure.


Dealing with dental implant pain

There are many ways to deal with the pain after a dental implant procedure. 

are dental implants painful

Follow your dentist’s instructions. Your dentist will give you extensive instructions before you leave the dental clinic after the procedure. You must follow the dos and don’ts listed on that instruction sheet. Avoid the food and beverages that your dentist tells you to avoid, and do not do strenuous activities right away. You will be able to resume your normal activities soon enough. You can also follow your dentist’s instructions about pain killers. It will also include the dosage of the pain-killers that you can take to manage the pain. 


Saltwater rinse. Salt has natural pain-relieving qualities. Mix a teaspoon of salt with some lukewarm water and swish this around your mouth if you are feeling pain.


Cold compress. Use a cold compress to numb the pain and get rid of any slight swelling that may occur after the surgery. You can also use various methods to numb the pain.


What to bear in mind

The pain that is classified as “normal” should only be mild pain after the surgery. Even if each person has a different pain threshold, you should never feel excruciating pain after dental implant surgery. Bear in mind that too much pain may be a sign of infection, and it is wise to visit your dentist should you experience this.

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