March 13, 2025
Reasons why do you have Tooth Pain Months after Filling

Reasons why do you have Tooth Pain Months after Filling

You may have experienced tooth pain that affects your everyday activities and mood, so you opted to visit your dentist and get your teeth filled. However, months after your dental procedure, you suddenly felt the same pain and discomfort you did before! What happened? Does it mean that the procedure was not done properly? Continue reading the article and know why you still have tooth pain months after filling. For more information about this dental procedure, you can ask and visit the dentists at Good Choice Dental’s clinic in Burwood, NSW.

What should you expect after a dental filling?

A dental filling is done to clean your teeth from tooth decay and replacing it with a filling material that is durable, safe, and can effectively cover the space where the decay lingered. The procedure is easy: after identifying the decayed part of a tooth, the doctor cleans it out with a dental drill. Some may complain of a tingly or sudden pain during the procedure so the Emergency Dentist Brisbane Dr clinic may opt to use a numbing agent.

Why do you experience tooth pain after filling?

Nerve irritation. Because tooth filling strips away the tooth of its decayed parts, it may be deep or shallow drilling or removal. The process may have affected the nerves in the pulp, especially for deep fillings. But don’t worry, once the irritation and swelling subside, the pain or discomfort also comes away with it.

Incorrect bite. Some teeth fillings are extensive that the shape or grooves of the teeth are changed. This may cause a change in your bite as well. The pressure that you usually use when biting and chewing food may be a bit too much than necessary, so it would cause you discomfort and sensitivity. Your dentist has to make sure that the filling procedure does not interrupt with the normal bite alignment you once had.tooth pain months after filling

The pain and sensitivity you may feel after any dental procedure may be expected as it poses change in your bite and usual activities. However, if you feel that the pain is triggering you to question the efficiency of your dental treatment, it is best to consult your dentist so he can reevaluate and identify the culprit.

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