October 16, 2024

Enamel Loss Front Teeth

Enamel loss is regular tooth disorder that can lead to a permanent harm to the teeth. Acids of various strength and quality can make hurt the teeth. The exposure to acids (through the foods of various types) can cause the hard tissues of our front teeth to disintegrate which makes our teeth delicate and causes discomfort and pain while eating.

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Causes Of Front Teeth Enamel Loss

  • Consuming Excess Soft Drinks:

Acids found in organic fruits juices, when taken in larger quantity, is unsafe to the tooth. Also other than juices, sodas or carbonated beverages contain large amounts of phosphoric and citrus extract which, when taken frequently, can cause enamel loss front teeth.

  • Dry Mouth:

Deductively known as xerostomia, the dry mouth disorder prompts decreased salivary stream in the mouth hence increasing the corrosive effect of the acids in the mouth and causing the disintegration of the tooth structure.

  • Poor Oral Hygiene.

For example, biting on the end of your pen or not flossing/brushing routinely cause continuous rot of the tooth.

  • Gastrointestinal Problems:

Indigestion from the stomach into the mouth can make your front teeth enamel to disintegrate. Gastrointestinal issues, for example, vomiting and indigestion brings abnormal amounts of corrosive acids into the mouth and causes the tooth enamel to wear out prompting the disintegration of the tooth.

  • Genetics:

Sometimes, front tooth enamel loss is caused as a result of the hereditary qualities of a person.

  • Medication:

Certain drugs, (for example, an aspirin and the antihistamines) present acids in the mouth which prompts your front teeth enamel to wear out.

enamel teeth

Sign Of Front Teeth Enamel Loss?

  • Teeth Discoloration: This is likely the main thing that individuals with enamel disintegration encounter. As the enamel layer wears out, the dentin gets exposed and starts to look yellow as the acids corrode it.
  • Teeth sensitivity: At the point when the enamel is worn out, the teeth turn out to be more delicate to specific foods and their temperatures. As the disintegration advances, the teeth turn out to be profoundly delicate to desserts and temperature of this food and much pain is experienced while eating.
  • Cracks and Chips: Enamel loss prompts the edge of the teeth ending up more jagged, rough and irregular.

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