January 17, 2025
How Long Will My Teeth Hurt After Braces Are Put On? (New Patients)

How Long Will My Teeth Hurt After Braces Are Put On? (New Patients)

Anyone with misaligned teeth may find it hard to chew or speak properly. In restoring that perfect set of teeth again, orthodontic treatments like dentures, dental implants, or braces are the best options. It is usual for first-time teenagers and young adults to experience pain after braces are placed. More details from similar dentists at broadforddental.com.au may discuss the timeline of wearing your braces. Few patients may take months to years of wearing their braces depending on the malocclusion. So, if you want to know how long will my teeth hurt after braces are put on, read this article carefully.


Reasons For Wearing Braces

Braces can always appear as an aesthetic solution for oral health. Many teens may ask their parents to get this orthodontic treatment for acceptance from their peers. While it is a fact that braces can impact self-esteem and confidence, many people need braces for dental solutions. New dentistry patients may measure the time on how long will my teeth hurt after braces are put on. Yet, the pain will be worth it as the reasons for braces surpass the hurtful effects of an orthodontic procedure. Several symptoms, like bleeding and swelling, along with headaches, jaw, neck, and ear pain, are enough to visit a dental clinic for teeth and gum treatments.

  • For Straight Teeth
  • For Improving Mouth Movement
  • Spaces And Gaps
  • Decrease Bruxism
  • Treatment For Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder 
  • Correct Over or Under Bite
  • Prevent Gum Disease Or Recession


What Happens To My Teeth After Braces?

How Long Will My Teeth Hurt After Braces Are Put On

Over time, people with braces will notice how their gums are reacting when the orthodontist adjusts the tightened braces. Teens and adults may feel severe toothache immediately after the treatment are over. The jaw may feel tight, and symptoms of bleeding or swelling can be normal for the first 24 to 48 hours. Your orthodontist may analyze if it is ready to remove the supporting braces according to a dental full mouth radiology exam (X-ray). A patient can expect to wear a retainer or aligner that is less intrusive. 


Risks Of Not Visiting A Dental Clinic

Anyone without proper dental work for toothache may slowly have results of tooth decay or mouth cancer. Cavities due to crowded teeth are hard to work with, mainly if the symptoms of decay are untreated for longer than a week. Severe complications and underlying health problems arise from dental diseases. A loose tooth due to the lack of oral care can cause more than just discomfort. If you want to prevent yourself from experiencing gum diseases like periodontitis, it is best to visit a dentist right away.


When Will My Teeth Stop Hurting?

Estimating the time of day on how long will my teeth hurt after braces are put on may either be a short or long term period. Your recovery depends on how the previous dental practice works around the plaque, gaps, and gum factors. Moreover, you may even find yourself hurting even after having previous pain relief. That said, it is crucial to always get a checkup from your orthodontic surgeon or dentist according to the braces timeline.


The First Hurtful 24 Hours 

It is common for patients to have a tooth extracted as part of the orthodontic alignment. In essence, young children and older adults like seniors may not be qualified for having an orthodontics brace. The first 24 hours are painful as you’re fresh from the surgery, and local anesthesia may be wearing off. You may have to be careful in eating cold food as your jaw will hurt when you move it often.


Healing Process Continues After 48 To 72 Hours

Few days of the applied orthodontic solution can already put yourself in discomfort. You may check the mirror for the results of your braces, mainly if you see any inflammation, dry sockets, or being sore. A general dentist can recommend an antibiotic, over the counter pain reliever, or other prescription medications. During this time, individuals who are still suffering from pain with the increased bleeding or swelling must go back to his or her orthodontist for a follow-up.


A Week, A Month, A Year

How Long Will My Teeth Hurt After Braces Are Put On Hygiene

Weeks after your dentist put braces for your oral health, the feeling of discomfort slowly fades away. Adjusting can even take 12 months or more, depending on how many of your teeth need to be tightened. Despite the hurt coming from this appliance, dental solutions have a foothold on the standard restorative treatments for any person. A year or more can already show significant results of straight teeth with braces. You may have to visit your orthodontist again for the next procedure.


Reminders On Brushing With Braces

You’re in good hands with a professional that can apply the metal appliance on your mouth carefully. Of course, there are still times where your soft tissues may become sensitive and show soreness despite the continuous maintenance. You can try to reduce the pain of your tooth and gums and manage how to relieve the days of not being able to move your mouth or eat correctly. Furthermore, poor brushing with braces may be a difficulty as wires, brackets, and rubber elastics can block the tooth. It may even be an issue for food debris getting stuck. Special brace toothbrush is available at local pharmacies or grocery stores to help remove this debris from a wire. Ultimately, dentistry’s main goal is to provide the best quality healthcare for patients with crowded, missing, or broken teeth. Apart from tips, you may find orthodontics as an early treatment to prevent dental disease.

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